Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Such excitement - and then such dissapointment

so, my day started out at 2:30 when our power went out for the second time in a week - and for no apparent reason. No wind, no storm, etc. And with three kids who love their night lights, it makes for a long night. But this morning was my day to call the FBI yet again, and I was bracing myself for the usual - maam it is 8-10 weeks, and no, you are not in the system. But we were! and the woman said that our prints are done and they are mailing them out! and when I got home from serving hot lunch at the boy's school, my man Charles who I have talked to every week since December had called and wanted to talk. He said that he looked for our stuff every day and today he saw that it was done and he even gave me a tracking number! Praise the Lord! I was jumping and screaming, in complete disbelief! So, I emailed all of our social workers to let them know and specifically to make sure that everything esle that we needed had come in so that once the prints came, the home study would be complete. Our home study social worker told me that Eric's child abuse clearance had not come yet from Indiana, so I called Linda, the person whom I talked to three weeks ago and who had told me that it would be done in two weeks. She told me that it was not done, and that it would be at least two more weeks! Just when I think that we have caught a break, something else is thrown at us! I broke into tears (completely normal for me nowadays) and she told that that she "did not want to hear my sob story!", that everyone has one, and that there was nothing that I could do to expdite the process. This is a little county office in the middle of indiana, not new york city for pete's sake! How many of these can they have to do!!!! So I asked to talk to her supervisor, who said exactly the same thing! At this point I was bawling, so I hung up and called Eric. God has given me such a great husband - he listening through my crying and yelling, and said that he would take care of it. He called me back 10 minutes later to tell me that he had called the senator from Indiana and spoken to his assistant, who told him that she deals with stuff like this all the time and would let us know. Please pray - I need peace right now - I feel like I am on a continuous roller coaster and I wonder how much more I can cry! But I know that our God is bigger than the FBI and bigger than Elkhart County, so I am clinging to Isaiah 40:31. Today I am thankful for
power that came back on one hour later (instead of 9 hours!)
friends who cry with me
my mom who listens and understands
a husband who knows just what to do to fix my problems!
kids who wake up happy from naps!
beef stroganoff (can you tell what we are having for supper?)
big, gooey chocolate chip cookies
a good cry
africa shirts from kim!!!
nerds:) (the candy, of course!)


Jenny said...

yay for you! i wonder if charles was the nice man i talked to one day. i talked to a very nice guy the first time i called and every time since, i have wished i got his name... i called today and our prints are still not being worked on yet :( you sent yours electronically didn't you? i don't know if that was a possibility for us or not. if it is, i wish i had known... we were told to send in ink prints which apparently take longer... anyway, the lady i talked with today at the FBI made me cry. she was all defensive when i hadn't said anything except that i wanted to check on the status of our prints. she basically got short with me twice and i was being SO nice... it was crazy. i finally just burst out in tears. she was nicer after that but then ended the conversation with "give it 3 or 4 more weeks and call again." really??? we sent our prints in on 12/9!!!! ***sigh*** okay, sorry for so much writing here! i will feel so much better when we have our prints. i just want to be a mommy!

Amy said...

Wow, I can't believe someone was so rude! If they only truly understood how emotional this whole process is! I hope you get good news on the state checks soon. We lost 6 weeks of time when I found out my fingerprints were rejected by our state - it was sooo frustrating so I definitely know how you feel with waiting on stupid fingerprints :)

Jenny said...

thanks for the info! i will give it a shot :-)