Monday, March 11, 2019


I am not a patient person.  At all.  I have always found it ironic that the life verse that I choose years ago speaks about waiting (Isaiah 40:31) - I am positive that God has a sense of humor!  Anyways, I hate waiting.  Over the past few years I have been working on trying to enjoy the journey, and not hurry to the finish.  Now, more than ever, I am struggling in the wait.  Will her new medication work?  How soon?  If it doesn't what next?  Every day I look at her fingers and heels, and nothing has changed.  In fact, her fingers are progressively getting worse.  So we wait.  And I attempt to not be consumed with questions, worry, and anxiety. 

I will trust in You.  We will wait for Your healing.  I will look for the little things that you send each day, reminders that you are in control.  

She woke up this morning and was only a little stiff walking.

She was able to balance on her left foot for 30 seconds yesterday - two years ago she couldn't stand on that foot alone at all.

She played with friends yesterday without needing medicine for pain.

She walked into school with a smile today.

She is home.

Simple reminders.  But they are filled with hope and healing. 

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