Tuesday, January 26, 2010

day 4

so, I have decided to only list 10 things a day - and i am going to try to list things that have brought me joy in my day!
our wood stove
seeing my kids at school, so happy to be learning
a daughter who can entertain herself - priceless!
grilled cheese:) with cheddar and provolone
a car that runs and has heat!
the sun! (yes, I saw it for a few minutes today!)
a hubby who understands why I call him crying in the middle of the day for no particular reason
good friends to bounce ideas off on
family that is as excited about our adoption as we are!
a school to send my kids to that not only teaches them academically, but also teaches them those priceless lessons, about loving and sharing and being selfless
Have a great day!
BTW - when I have any adoption news I'll let you know! Right now my thankful list is helping me not focus on my impatience!
happy tuesday


Jenny said...

i'm thankful to know i'm not the only one who sometimes cries in the middle of the day for no particular reason!

Becca Harley said...

:) Thanks for commiserating with me!

V said...

love your lists! The impatience is seeping in for me too!!