Thursday, January 13, 2011

It is a new day!!!!

Hello to all my fabulous blog readers:).  Yes, it is a new day - and the mornings are sooooo good!  I am filled with hope, and optimism, and with the knowledge that today I could see my daughter's face for the first time!!!!  Oh, how I love the mornings.  I have been getting up between 5-6 am every morning (cannot sleep), having a cup of tea, doing my devotions, and sitting in a quiet house with the fire warming up my toes.  What a great way to start the day!  Today was no different, except I had the cleaning bug (yes, for those of you who have known my for a while, you know that I used to be a cleaning freak).  Not so much any more, but any so often (every other month or so:), it hits me and I am a crazy woman!  So, before 10 am this morning I have gotten all three monkeys up, dressed, fed, put J on the bus, drove N to school, went to the doctor for our TB test reading (for those of you worried :) it was negative:), picked up the last of our paperwork for our homestudy update, and cleaned the entire house!!  Bathrooms, dusting, vacuuming, windows, kitchen, and washed the entire floor (the only rooms in our house that have carpet are the two kids rooms and the play room.  Love it! I am done, and I have the rest of the day to figure out what to do!  Toben and Hannah are playing house (watching him while Gini and Megan are at the dentist), the puppy is sleeping (big surprise), coffee has been drunk, dinner is simmering on the stove (homemade sauce for the spaghetti).  So - angry birds here I come!!!!  (yes, I am slightly addicted:).
Oh, and did I mention all our snow?!  We already had 3-5 inches from this weekend, and then yesterday we got about 15 more inches!  It is beautiful!  I love love love the snow!  it is so bright, and the sky is so blue, and everything is so very clean.  This is one of the few perks of living in New York!

Thank you all for keeping us in your prayers - it has been 36 days since the last referral and I might be going slightly crazy.  maybe. a. little.  We are praying for our daughter - that she is safe, and warm, and being fed, and being loved.  Precious little one - we are so in love with you already.  Your three monkeys here cannot wait to have you home - they start their day praying for you and we end our day praying for you.  Hang in there - we will be coming soon!


Unknown said...

Becca,love you and are also praying and waiting with you for some news.

Jenny said...

Oh how I'm hoping you get your referral while we're still in ET so I can see her!!! Praying for you as you wait and wait...

G said...

Okay, totally love the image of all 4 (FOUR!) of your kids together--that makes me smile. :)

Alison said...

Cannot wait to hear that ya'll got "The Call"!! Have been thinking about ya'll! Hang in there!!

Sara K. Parker said...

Wow! I could not believe it when I got all caught up on blogs and discovered you had not received your referral yet!!! Surely it will be so so so oooooo soon.

And I cannot BELIEVE how much you cleaned in one day - and managed to do a doctor's appointment, plus a homemade dinner. I have never cleaned the whole house in one day. You are super woman. And you still had time leftover...? :o)

Can't wait for your news...

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

Praying more referrals will come soon!!!!!

Sarah said...

Wow, I didn't realize it had been 36 days. Praying for you!!!